Anna-Leah Sinn

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Moving for a Cause, Running for a Cure !!

I have set myself a personal challenge for 2024 and am taking part in Run2Cure Neuroblastoma. Run2Cure is a charity fun run and raises funds for the aggressive childhood cancer neuroblastoma.

Neuroblastoma is a cancer affecting young children with the average age being just 2 years of age and survival rates for aggressive neuroblastoma being just 1 in 2.

So in addition to my own goal, I want to make a difference to the young children affected. If you are able to make a donation, be it a few dollars or more, I would be very grateful.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Christian Alvarez

Such an amazing thing to do and to honor your dad. Solida is always proud of you. Good luck


Thida Sinn

Your dad would so proud, keep doing what you believe in.


Emma Sudarma

Goodluck Anna! What a wonderful thing to do in honour of your Dad.


Fiona Carter



Yasmyn Barakat

Your dad will be so proud ! 🙏🏻🤍


Claudia B

Good luck Anna❤️


Daniel Gulic


Maro Alwan


Sandy H

The world needs more of you! Goodluck Anna! 👊


Chistine S



Aiza Khan


Allana Dao


Aisyah Novarizky

I'm sorry I can't donate any more, but I'm proud of what you're doing for such a great cause. Stay safe and be healthy, Anna!