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B-Boys attempt a half marathon

They said we were too old, too slow, too fragile. We didn't listen and signed up for a half marathon anyway. Is this even within our meagre abilites? Donate to a great cause to find out!

We have set ourselves a challenge for 2024 and are taking part in Run2Cure Neuroblastoma. Run2Cure is a charity fun run and raises funds for the aggressive childhood cancer neuroblastoma.

Neuroblastoma is a cancer affecting young children with the average age being just 2 years of age and survival rates for aggressive neuroblastoma being just 1 in 2.

So in addition to our own goal, I want to make a difference to the young children affected. If you are able to make a donation, be it a few dollars or more, we would be very grateful.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Martin Poole

Great run DG.


Andreas Laubi

Run Daniel, run!


Rebecca Laubi

Great cause, Daniel. Enjoy the run.


On Behalf Of Wilks Cuts


Fenton O’leary


Fergus Stuart

Run fast mate, you’re an inspiration to other slow middle aged blokes!!


Dan Hamel


Narelle Mcmenemy

Matt in the words of our imortal hero Will Ferrell "If you aint first, youre last." Talladega Nights.The Ballard of Ricky Bobby. Shake & Bake !!! I could be on here all day with my Will Ferrell inspirational quotes but someones gotta work!! Always cheering for you Matty !!


Sharyn Conyngham

Ted would be Chuffed


Mark Dunkley

Good luck and best wishes. Please don't have a heart attack and leave my grandchildren fatherless


Michelle Jackson



Karl Pobre

Good on you Matt...Represent!


Adam Bradley

Congratulations boys. Well done


David Robinson

Good luck, Dan. for a worthy cause.


Deepak Ajmani

Dear Nathan, best wishes for supporting this noble cause. Thanks.


Ross & Charlotte Webster & Smith

Good on you mate, love the look!!


Nathan Conyngham




Simon Laskaj


Kate & Steve Gilbert

Great reason to have a run.


Brett Randall


Prerna Tiwari


Alex Butterworth

Good on you mate!


Donna Bolton

Great work DG


Xan Or “zee” As You Call Me!

Run run run, Mr. Grumpy pants!




Go Nathan!

Congratulations Nathan! Great cause.



Well done mate, the money is for the haircut, not the run.


Amanda Mellon

Marco!?...haha...Good luck Matt, you will smash a half marathon! 🏃‍♂️‍➡️


Terry O'keefe

Well done Bon!




Scott Jones



Run, DG! Run!👍


Sarah Kavcic

Great job! Happy running 🙂🏃‍♂️


Michael Choi

Great thing to do DG!


Ryan Johnson

Love what you're doing here. Hope everything went well


Scott Rowan

Good Luke and enjoy.


Mikaela Freire

que conyo!! good luck, run fast!!


Rachael Parrott

Good luck Billy!


Maricel Mariano

Go Matt, Go! May your run bring you happiness and I hope that it is long and hard (TWSS) HAHAHA


Kat Green

Cancer sucks Running sucks Your new hair cut sucks But you’re a legend. Have a great run


Nicole Johnston

Just keep running!…..


Ian Bonner


Daniel Smith

You Can Get It!



Best of luck mate!



Go Matt!!!


Julia Bryant


George Curlevski


Mikayla Smith-gow


The Westwood Family

Good luck Matt!


Carissa Bonner

Better late than never... so impressed you managed to do this!


Mini O'keefes : )

Go Bonner Go!!!


Phillip Bonner


Dom Chan


James Gow

Love ya bro, good work


Rhian Aguirre

Awesome job DG!


Om Prakash


Ben O’keefe

Nice one Bonner, I assume this is the start of a long career in marathon runninh


Chunyu Bao

Great cause! Best of luck with your Run!



Thank you for being a great role model for our kids ❤️ You got this babes!!! Xx


Ellan Gu



Goodluck Matt!!


Felix Laubi

Great cause DG. Sub 105 incoming


Lance Moody

Nice work DG. Here's $2 per km.


O'reilly Clan

U go Bon Bon. Good Luck tomorrow. Run smart.



Good on you Matt! Will keep supporting you every year mate!


The Hollands

"Today you will do what others won’t, so tomorrow you can accomplish what others can’t.” "Some others" certainly cannot run a half marathon...🤣 But you got this!!!


Nancy Norton

Good luck DG!


Nika Fernandes

Run Billy, run!




Pav Sampath


Simon Percy

Quality form Bon.


Andrew Wilson

Good luck with your run!


Le X.

Run Matt Run


Matthew Gow



Great work Matt. Such a good cause!


Ash Schuurman

Enjoy and good luck DG!


Alison Bardsley

Run forest run.... I mean run Matt run!!!



Run Dan, run!





Supporting this cause! Good job DG


Scott Fuchs

Fantastic work DG!


Geoff Quinn


Luke Pomfrett


Lauren W

I expect a 4.5min kilometre the entire way. In reality, that’ll be quicker than any of the triages I do. Hahaha! Go Matty!


Sarah J


Irene C


Daniel Santos

Zero to Hero


Adam Benson

Matt you're an absolute champion and an inspiration. Well done.


Nathan Conyngham

Go Dad! Love Eliana ❤️