Cassie Bennett

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I'm fundraising for Run2Cure Neuroblastoma

I have set myself a personal challenge for 2024 and am taking part in Run2Cure Neuroblastoma. Run2Cure is a charity fun run and raises funds for the aggressive childhood cancer neuroblastoma.

Neuroblastoma is a cancer affecting young children with the average age being just 2 years of age and survival rates for aggressive neuroblastoma being just 1 in 2.

So in addition to my own goal, I want to make a difference to the young children affected. If you are able to make a donation, be it a few dollars or more, I would be very grateful.

My Updates

Thank You!

Sunday 7th Apr
Thank you to everyone who donated! 

Hi everyone!

Tuesday 16th Jan
I’m raising money with Run2Cure supporting Neuroblastoma Australia. I will be running 5km remotely as I don’t live near Sydney. 
If you are unsure of what Neuroblastoma is here is a definition:
Neuroblastoma is a cancer often found in the small glands on top of the kidneys (adrenal glands). It can develop in the stomach, chest, neck, pelvis and bones. Children aged 5 and younger are most commonly affected.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Luke Reeves

Good work proud of you.


Tammy Reeves


Melinda Jenner

Great work Cassie!


Cindy Smith

