Jenny Northey

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I'm fundraising for Eli

Next year on the 7th April we will be participating in Sydney’s Run2Cure Neuroblastoma.

I will be running 10 kilometres in honour of my beautiful Eli to raise funds for much needed research into kinder, better and more effective treatment for neuroblastoma.  

I have started personal training and have an awesome little cheer squad by my side.

Next year I am hoping to do the half marathon 22kms.

Cancer robbed me of a healthy baby and Eli’s still experiencing the side effects of chemo today. People don’t want to think of a world where babies and children get cancer - and why should anyone care - because tomorrow you could also be part of this horrible world.

Neuroblastoma is a baby, toddler and child cancer and there is no cure for relapsed neuroblastoma.

Neuroblastoma can affect the developing foetus just like Eli.

Neuroblastoma spreads quickly into the brain, bones, spinal column and other organs.

The survival rate for low risk neuroblastoma is 90%. Eli was diagnosed with low to intermediate risk with a survival rate of 85%.

Treatments are invasive, painful and intensive.

Eli will be risk assessed and managed for the rest of his life with the chance of another form of cancer developing because of the chemotherapy he had for neuroblastoma.


Treatments haven’t changed in more than 40 years. Eli’s treatment was painful - it made him sick. He was vomiting and had constant diarrhoea, he had a mouth and bottom full of ulcers, he screamed non stop and he lost most of his soft newborn baby hair.

Every bit of light and happiness disappeared the day Eli was diagnosed with cancer.  A part of my soul died that day and will never be revived.

These children deserve better treatment and a cure and every child deserves to grow up.

If you would like to join us on the day - please register. Our team will be Team Eli. I would love some support! There are smaller walks to include everyone. If you’re not able to join us on the day, please donate to Team Eli. Our goal this year is $6000. All donations are tax deductible and all donations go straight to Neuroblastoma Australia.

I won’t stop until we find a cure for neuroblastoma.

Eli, this one is for you! 🏃‍♀️

I am running for those who have won the fight, who have lost the fight, who are still fighting and who are yet to fight.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I already have lovely friends and family who support us.

 Jenny ❤️

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kaz Mullin

You are a wonderful mum Jenny! Your determination is a credit to you. 🌹


Tina & Jim Duignan

Good on you ! It's a wonderful cause