Max Bely

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This is a cause that's very close to my heart as my best friend's son, Victor, died of a neuroblastoma after years of treatment in and out of hospital.

He was a fighter and his parents tried to give him the best life he could have had but in the end the  illness was just too strong.

Neuroblastoma is a cancer affecting young children with the average age being just 2 years of age and survival rates for aggressive neuroblastoma being just 1 in 2.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Henriette & Michel Bély-bichon

Merci a vous tous de soutenir la recherche contre ce cancer qui attaque les enfants si jeunes et si beaux qui ne demandent qu a vivre.



Very Inspiring Max!


Jamie Hobdell

Great stuff Max


Max Bely



Well done Max, such a great cause. Victor's story is very sad, my thoughts are with his family.


Vineet Deswal

Thanks Max for giving me the opportunity to contribute to such a nobel cause.


Elise Moss

You are a source of inspiration Max! Running again after your hip operations wasn't easy. Well done! A great cause close to our heart too. Xxx


Carolina Pinto

Great cause! good luck in the race ☺️


Beverley Deakin

So sad to hear about Victor, this is a wonderful tribute to him and his family. Enjoy the run Max - amazing!