Maximilian Hörhold

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I'm fundraising because life is to amazing for cancer

I am Max from Germany and travel down the Australian east coast from mid February to mid of April.

As I have experienced the loss of family members because of cancer it is a deep-down an important topic for me. As I like to run and dream about a half marathon for a longer time and wanted to visit Sydney anyways already this run was a perfect match.

It will be a great challenge for me with the best case that I can collect money with this run for a good reason.

My Updates

First Halfmarathon in the Outback

Monday 1st Apr
On my Travels through Australia I‘ve been running a lot and finished my first ever half-marathon in severe conditions against heavy winds on gravel roads in 2:02:58. Only 3 Minutes away from my goal of breaking the 2 hour barrier.
I know I will make it.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Petra Hörhold

Viel Glück. 🍀. Du rockst das ❤️


Andreas Jung

Eine tolle Idee! Wir denken an dich ❤️ Maxi


Max Hörhold


Monika Schleifer

Good luck and all the best!


Timo Ferlein

Go for it bro!


Maximilian Hörhold