Melina Leonello

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I'm fundraising for my little friend and Angel in heaven, Sienna.

I have set myself a personal challenge for 2024 and am taking part in Run2Cure Neuroblastoma. Run2Cure is a charity fun run and raises funds for the aggressive childhood cancer neuroblastoma.

Neuroblastoma is a cancer affecting young children with the average age being just 2 years of age and survival rates for aggressive neuroblastoma being just 1 in 2.

So in addition to my own goal, I want to make a difference to the young children affected. If you are able to make a donation, be it a few dollars or more, I would be very grateful.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Gill Mcnerney

Thank you Mel for continuing to raise awareness to this important and worthy cause. Too soon these children are being taken from the people they love and are not able to live the gift of life they were given and deserved. Keep running! GO MEL! You are a superstar! Xxxx


Mervyn Aston

Go for it girl!


Kellie Jack


Tina Spoleti

Good luck Mel! Love Paul & Tina


Nino Deleo



Best of luck Mel xx


Brittany Mowday


Vicky Monterosso

Hi Mel good luck x


Ebony & Chris


Melina Leonello


Stephanie Pagliarulo



Best of luck Mel.